2000 | Competition

ISBN: 978-88-208-0416-9

“Città: Third Millenium”

International Internet Competition „The City of the Third Millennium – More Ethics, Less Aesthetics”, Screening exhibition, Catalogue, Venice Biennale of Architecture, June 2000

Through centuries city structures had been falling apart. In the era of individualism the economy, infrastructure, social relations and city districts have become separate units, thus the most basic unit of this system is the MAN. City development process is a game, therefore we cannot predict the direction it will evolve into. While being aware of the influence of new technologies we can only work on the development of our own selves – humans. The MAN is the CITY. The project was displayed during the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2000, Venetian Pavilion. As the Polish Pavilion was closed for Architecture Biennale (opened 2004), it was the only Polish project at the Architecture Biennale for years.

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